BGA components are significantly smaller and can hold a greater number of pins than components with external pins. They are taking place in high-density and high volume applications. In the next figure, we have a ARM microporocessor model STM32F103 in fine pitch traditional and in BGA package. As we can see, the fine picth occupied area is more or less twice. If we consider the PCB pin area area too, the occupied area becomes higher.
In the last years, a lot of BGA ICs have been developed. Not only microcontrollers or programmable gate array. Today we can find almost all the main analog functions like operational amplifiers, comparators, timers, AD and DA converters, radio frequency circuits and so on. This ultra-miniaturized components availability, allows the designer to develop complex circuits in very reduced PCB areas. Unfortunately, this option is not often exercised because there are many impediments in the use of BGA. We can say that the culture of BGA is not yet widespread. BGA mounting is not difficult, at least it is not more difficult than Fine Pitch component assembly. But there are a number of assumptions in order to reliably assemble BGA, these assumptions concern in a part, the project phase, so you have to take it into account during the design and largely concern the PCB mounting methods and equipment used in production. Below is a decalogue of points to keep in mind if you want to begin to use this technology.
Redox has developed all the necessary mounting technologies to support the customer and to succeed in the migration to BGA from the first prototype. Contact us for more information: