In 2004 Redox has obtained the quality system certification based on standards UNI EN ISO 9001. In 2006, the certification was extended to the new manufacturing premises.
Redox invests a lot of resources in quality, adopting new forefront technologies and trying to be up to date in design and manufacturing innovations.
The quality system is methodically applied to all company areas, granting to customers, suppliers and internal human resources a unified and proven working method.
Redox offers efficent, punctual, higly customized and traceable services.
In Redox, quality is intended as a way to achieve continuous improvements .
The italian MIUR certification as authorized and qualified lab for design, prototitypation, production and post-sell customer service of electronic devices, offers to customers, interesting opportunities to save money (only reserved to italian customers).
In 2013, Redox has obtained the environmental certification in accordance with UNI EN ISO 14001 standard.
Downloadable documents
ISO 9001:2015 certificate
ISO 14001:2015
Conflict minerals policy